Following Jesus is Impossible

Following Jesus is impossible if it is based on a humanistic idea of what following Jesus is all about.


Could God’s definition of Christianity and our definition of Christianity be different?  Absolutely!  It is unfortunate that many, who claim to follow Jesus, only have a religion based on their own performance rather that the power and sufficiency of Christ.


The entire Bible points to what it means to follow Jesus, but for the sake of brevity, lets just look at a few passages which address a few particular issues of a man-made or man-centered Christianity.   


The first step in becoming a Christian is not realizing our need to do things right or to be better, but the first step is an acknowledging that we could never do it right.  We are sinners.  Romans 3:23.

·       Sin means to miss the mark… to fall short.  Every person has fallen short of God’s expectation—which is perfection.


Second, we must embrace the fact that it is only by God’s grace that we can even see that we are sinners. Left to my own measurement, I would never admit that; I am too prideful.  John 16:7-8.

·       For humanity to have the ability to see their lives as God sees it, we need God’s help.  Through the Holy Spirit we can see clearly.


Third, The Spirit of God then makes us born again at the point of our surrender and keeps us until the day we meet the Lord face to face. John 3:5-6/ Eph. 1:13-14. 

·       Despite public opinion, we are not all children of God.  We are all created in God’s image and are worthy of respect and dignity, but only faith in Christ gives us the right to become children of God.

·       Christ also keeps us by sealing us with the Holy Spirit. Our salvation is secure in Christ. We are bought by His blood and kept by His grace.


Fourth, the Spirit of God empowers us to live a life worthy of the glory of Christ by giving us the longing and the power to overcome sin and to live in obedience to God. Phil 2:12-13.

·       God changes our desires from “me-focused” to God-focused”.  The will of the believer is increasingly less focused on sinful desires and is increasingly more focused on God’s desires.  This is only possible with the Lord’s help. 

·       God also gives us the power to do and accomplish what He desires, it’s not based on our own willpower but on His. 


Lastly, it is by God’s grace that we are able to come before a holy God in prayer. Hebrews 4:14-16.

·       Christ, through his perfect life and willing sacrifice, gives sinful humanity, the ability to come before a Holy God in prayer in times of need.  God then extends the mercy needed because of the life and sacrifice of Christ. 


None of the Christian life is possible apart from Christ Himself giving us the will and the power to achieve it.  We would do well if we would stop trying to be a “Good Christian” and start being a “Christ-centered” Christian.  Good works will never save us Ephesians 2:8-9.


Failure to believe in Christ alone for our salvation, and the ability to keep us, will only serve to condemn us. John 3:16-18.


The bible is the sole authority in our walk with God and helps us understand the gift of God’s grace. It is dangerous to look to our own understanding it what God is like or what God expects; so read the Bible and read it often.



One Indicator it Might be Time to Go.