One Indicator it Might be Time to Go.

One of the most difficult issues in leadership is timing.  God’s timing is sometimes difficult to discern, but not always.


One of the most asked questions at any pastor’s conference is “When do you know it’s time to go?” Pastors struggle with this question more than we might be willing to admit.  Although I am not struggling with this question now, I have in the past.  Here’s my story—maybe it will help you.


By God’s grace, and the grace of the congregation, I was able to serve my last church for over 14 years.  I cannot tell you how many times I struggled trying to understand when I should go. It would be easy to say when things got hard that was a sign it was time, but that is not my story.  It’s not in most cases.


I have always been a person who God graced with vision.  The Lord graced me with the ability to see just what the church needed most and how to get them on His agenda. However, vision is not all that is needed for one to lead—vision needs energy. I did not have the energy to take then to the next step.


I knew then, what that church needed was not another strategy, they needed another pastor.


No matter how good things were there, and they were good, I did not have the drive to move forward. Where I found my energy was thinking, praying, and dreaming about something new.  When I thought about a new ministry setting, I got excited. This was the “sign” God used for me to know my ministry at that church was closing and He was going to open a new door.  


One might be tempted to confuse what I am calling “energy” with what might be called an “escape”.  When we face hard seasons in serving the church, we often look for a way out.  “The grass is greener” syndrome affects us all as leaders.  I’m not talking about an escape. I am describing a God-inspired change which happens in the heart and soul of the leader.  A change that would make you discontent even when everything is going great. 


Hope this helps.



Following Jesus is Impossible

